It was around the turn of the century. An era when Harry Potter had made its debut in the film and the Nokia 3310 was the #1 smartphone in the world “Oops!” Britney, did it again. The year 2000 saw some highs post-Y2K hyper-stress, one of which featured Sony’s PlayStation 2.
Sony’s second effort at winning the game console wars with the household was a huge success right away standing out above the competition; Sega’s Dreamcast Microsoft’s Xbox and Nintendo’s GameCube. With a design that featured the ability to play DVDs, backwards compatibility, as well as an incredible collection of exclusive games in 2011, it would go further to sell over 150 million units around the world. The console also holds the record for the highest-selling gaming console of all time.
Dear reader, allow me to brighten up your day with extremely important good news. I’m here to inform you that with the power of emulators, you can play your most loved games from past consoles. That, of course, includes Sony PlayStation 2! Sony PlayStation 2.
Let’s Talk Emulators
The main function of an emulator is to, well emulategaming consoles, thereby the PC (and today, Android) users to enjoy games they played on their consoles from the past. The result is that those who aren’t diehard collectors won’t have to purchase a console in order for the full selection of games the PlayStation 2 originally offered.At site from Our Articles
By using the included software, the emulator will read and project disc images from games onto your computer . It can then use it for storage as well as display. The amount that can be stored on your system through this emulator, as well as from ROMs (more on these later) is limited by the space on your hard drive. There are even replica controllers available to be used with your PC to make it feel more like the real thing!
Choosing An Emulator
It’s not hard to locate an emulator. There’s plenty available on the internet for download. However, the majority of them are far from being top-quality in design and design. It is important how to differentiate between one that is worth downloading, and the others that are easy to overlook.
If you’re lucky, you’re probably joining in on the emulator celebration quite late. The bulk of the work has been handled by fellow gamers who’ve previously given them a test run. The popularity of a few have a lot to say regarding quality and reliability. PCSX2, Damon PS2, and Gold PS2 are among the most well-known options for your PC and Android device. For stability and graphic settings you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better choice.
Get, Install & Setup An Emulator
Being one of the oldest and more reliable PS2 emulators I’ll take you through the procedure of installing my favorite emulator, which is the PCSX2. PCSX2 is a completely free PlayStation 2 emulator that allows users to choose resolutions with a range of up to 4096×4096, as well as texture filtering and anti-aliasing. It makes older PS2 games appear more appealing than the current HD remakes. It also comes with a built-in HD video recorder to help you create new memories that can be recorded in video.
To ensure that the PCSX2 is running smoothly on your PC Here are the minimum and recommended system specifications:
- Windows as well as Linux OS
- The CPU should support SSE2 (Pentium 4+, Athlon64+)
- The GPU requires support for Pixel Shader Model 2.0, not Nvidia FX series
- Minimum the minimum of 512MB RAM (Vista users will need 2GB)
- Windows Vista/7 (32bit or 64bit) with the most recent DirectX
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 3.2 GHz or better or i3/5/7 @ 2.8 milliseconds or more or AMD Phenom II @ 3.2 GHz or better
- CPU: 8800GT and better
- RAM: 1GB with Windows/Linux XP, 2.GB+ with Vista/7.
A running emulator at a minimum system requirements could cause extreme in-game lag for games that use more CPU and GPU. games.
To begin:
- Download the version of PCSX2 specially designed to work with your operating system. You should always look for the most recent “stable” release available for download as it’s more likely to cause problems.
If you have the Physical PlayStation 2 console, you’ll be required to download your BIOS from the console. The PS2 BIOS differs to the computer’s BIOS displayed on boot up. PCSX2 doesn’t include a BIOS file , as it’s an issue with Sony copyright, and therefore prohibited by law. To download it from BIOS file from your PlayStation 2, head here and download the version of BIOS Dumper that you prefer. Also, you’ll find a direct link to forum thread that will guide you through the process of delete your BIOS.
- The PCSX2 emulator along with any other PS2 emulator, will not function without a PS2 BIOS. If you are in need of one, make use of piracy, because there are a number of different websites that provide an PS2 BIOS download. AppNee has put together a huge list of BIOS that are compatible with almost all PS2 emulators that are currently available. They provide all models and regions in PlayStation 2 as well. This is probably the easier and less intrusive option.
- Install PCSX2 using the .exe file you downloaded when you downloaded the program.
- The first screen to pop up is”Choose Components “Choose the Components” screen. Select Next.
- This is followed by an Visual C++ box. Then, check the “I acknowledge the license and terms” box, then click Install. PCSX2 is now installed.
- Find the PCSX2 folder on your start menu (or desktop if you put it on there) and double-click the executable.
- The first page for configuration will appear and provide you with the welcome message. There is the drop-down menu for languages selection and links to this online manual for setting up as well as Readme PDF. It’s possible to leave out all of this if desired and simply choose Next.
- On the next screen, you’ll pull up a series of drop-down menus. Each one represents an PCSX2 extension. I suggest using the defaults and clicking the Next button again.
- This is where you’ll need the BIOS information. Locate the BIOS file within the directory you chose after cutting it in the second step. Once it’s found (or copied) click the Refresh list button, and then select your BIOS Rom from the window. Once you’re confident that you’re prepared to move ahead, click Finish complete the procedure.
The emulator has been installed but in order to enjoy it, you’ll need to first set up the controls. You are able to (and should) make use of a controller for games if you own one. This includes a PS3, PS4, or even an Xbox 360 controller. It’s not a good idea to settle for your keyboard. The frustration is never-ending and, frankly it’s not feeling right.
PCSX2 Launch:
- You can click on the “Config” tab and from the drop-down menu select “Controllers (PAD)” then “Plugin Settings …”.
- There will be three tabs “General”, “Pad 1″,”Pad 1”, as well as “Pad 2”. Pad 1 two represent the players, therefore you must go to “Pad 1” to get your controls in place.
- The buttons you’ll have to set up can be found on the left. Press a button press the button (on your gamepad) or key (keyboard) you want to change it’s settings to. The configured buttons will pop up in the “Device/PC Control/PS2 Control” panel.
- After you’ve set up your keybindings, you’ll be able to choose to set up a second one, if you’d like. If you don’t, just click OK.
Let’s Talk About ROMs
After the emulator has been taken by the hand, we’re ready to proceed to the fun part. For those who kept your first PS2 game discs to be aware that the emulator will play them like it was a real PlayStation 2. Simply drop your PS2 DVD in your drive, go into the “System” tab in your PCSX2 emulator, choose “Boot CDVD (full)” before you start playing.
But, if you’re anything like me and do not have any of the originals (or you’d like to play some games that you don’t own) you’re going to need to download some games ROMs. ROMs or Read-Only Memory, can be purchased from various PS2 fan websites like UberUpload, CoolROM, and ROMHustler. Each has a plenty of ROMs to choose from the which to choose to satisfy that nostalgic itch. The files that you receive are copies of the original Sony PlayStation 2 games of old. The ROMs are compressed versions of them that are more easily distributed than the original discs.
How you use the ROMs is entirely up to you. They usually come in either .iso or .rar file format. Windows 10 allows you to load .iso files directly, without having to use a third-party software or burned CD/DVD. For other versions you’ll need the third-party software like Daemon or MagicISO to play ROMs directly on your computer as well as ImgBurn in order to copy .iso files to on a CD. For .rar Files, you could try to play it directly within the emulator to test if it works. In the event that it doesn’t, you’ll have for you to remove the .rar archive using an open-file program (WinZip 7, 7Zip) start your emulator, and open the extracted file in the emulator.
Playing in ROMs
In the event that you download a .iso game file, we’re able to get right into the fun. What you’ll have to do is:
Within inside the PCSX2 emulator, click the “CDVD” Menu tab. Select “Iso Selector” and, if the .iso is preloaded, you should see the game to select, but if it isn’t Select”Search… as well as look for the .iso file that contains the game.
- It’s highly recommended for all you .iso files are saved in one single folder for ease of access.
- After the .iso file is loaded, click on the “System” tab and choose Boot/Reboot CDVD.
- Your game will then open up and be playable.
Having Issues?
Setting this all up can be quite a pain and it’s not uncommon to face a number of issues. Are your games running slow? This could mean that your PC is not compatible. make sure to confirm the recommendations of your system against your actual PC model.
Another possibility is that the game you’d like to play isn’t compatible with PCSX2. There’s a list compatible games you can browse through to determine if your game is listed on it. If you do not see your game on the list then it’s because it’s not been tested as of yet. You’ll need to head over to the PCSX2 forums to inform them of your situation. It’s also a good opportunity to get help if you’re having any other issues running the emulator.
The game’s data file may be uncompatible, as PCSX2 recognizes .iso, .bin, .img, .mdf, and .nrg files. It’s also possible that the game’s content could be damaged or corrupt in some way. If you’re unsure, better off downloading a fresh file from a different site to test it.
If you experience the “CDVD plugin was not able to start. Your computer might have insufficient resourcesor hardware/drivers that are not compatible” error, it indicates PCSX2 was messed up by a forced close. To resolve this issue you’ll need force closing it again and choose another graphics plug-in.
To close by force:
- Take a look at your Task Management via right-clicking your taskbar and selecting it from the available window or pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL together and choosing Task Manager under the menus displayed on screen.
- From here, locate this PCSX2 instance in the “Processes” tab Select it, highlight it, and then click the button to end the task. Select Yes when the popup displays.
- Close Task Manager and open PCSX2 once more.
- Open the “Config” tab and click on Configure… Clicking this will open the “Configuration” window.
- Select a brand new graphics plugin from the “Graphics” drop-down and then click OK.
- If you run the file again. The file should be able to open like normal, and without the annoying error popup.